Photo Challenge Week 5, 2025: Blue

Photo Challenge Week 5, 2025: Blue

Just the Facts: You have 7 days to capture the color blue. 

This week, we’re diving deep into the color blue, one of the most evocative colors in the spectrum. Blue can symbolize serenity, melancholy, or vastness, depending on how it’s used. My favorite capture of blue is to utilize “Blue Hour” –that hour just after the sun sets, (or just before the sun rises) when the world takes on a blue tint, and the orange artificial light in our environments really pops.

There’s blue everywhere you look. Think nature -skies, oceans, lakes, or even the delicate hue of a flower. Man Made Blue -blue walls, painted doors, street art, or neon signs. Here were the alternatives.

The Featured image is the one I used but here are some alternatives I considered.
